I have no idea how Im doing this. Ive lost 3.6 lbs this week! And to be honest, I slacked off a little this week on the water, and my exercise has been severely inconsistent and yet Ive lost over 3lbs. I'm counting my calories, Ive been busy in the house, baking and cleaning, but not sure that accounts to this much of a weight loss.. I suppose I shouldn't be complaining though! It will be interesting to see how this week goes for me. I have decided not to log any of my food Thursday through Sunday. I have a very busy 4 days ahead of me, including a birthday, a basketball game, a night without the kids, a day of power shopping to finish Christmas, and a trip to the in-laws for our Christmas with them. I will still make a semi conscious effort to make good food choices, but I plan on enjoying myself this weekend, and if a calorie laden meal, or a few too many baked goods happen to find their way in, so be it. I will start back Monday with exercise and fewer calories.
I'm going to have my husband (or child) take a picture of me tomorrow, better than the pictures I had taken by myself.. so I have a better picture to compare to in a couple of months.. although I have been losing weight for a few months now, I feel that my birthday is a good day to create a new baseline picture! Not sure what 'new' thing Ill try next week.. Ill have to think about it and blog later.
Wishing everyone that happens to read this a fantastic Holiday!
Merry Christmas to you too :) and a big woot woot! on the loss this week. great job!